This is an UPDATE to this old post with updated links & descriptions This is code that accompanies a book chapter on customer churn that I have written for the German dpunkt Verlag. The book is in German, however. The code you find below can be used to recreate all figures and analyses from this book chapter. Because the content is exclusively for the book, my descriptions around the code had to be minimal.

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This is code that accompanies a book chapter on customer churn that I have written for the German dpunkt Verlag. The book is in German and will probably appear in February: The code you find below can be used to recreate all figures and analyses from this book chapter. Because the content is exclusively for the book, my descriptions around the code had to be minimal. But I’m sure, you can get the gist, even without the book.

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Dr. Shirin Elsinghorst

Biologist turned Bioinformatician turned Data Scientist

Data Scientist

Münster, Germany