The last two days, I was in London for the M-cubed conference.
Here are the slides from my talk about Explaining complex machine learning models with LIME:
Traditional machine learning workflows focus heavily on model training and optimization; the best model is usually chosen via performance measures like accuracy or error and we tend to assume that a model is good enough for deployment if it passes certain thresholds of these performance criteria.
I’ll be giving talks and workshops at the following three upcoming conferences; hope to meet some of you there!
From 15th to 17th October 2018, I’ll be in London for the M-cubed conference. My talk about Explaining complex machine learning models with LIME will take place on October 16 Traditional machine learning workflows focus heavily on model training and optimization; the best model is usually chosen via performance measures like accuracy or error and we tend to assume that a model is good enough for deployment if it passes certain thresholds of these performance criteria.